Saturday, November 3, 2012

Da Boyz

Time to give an update on the Twins
because they both have pretty big news...
Little Amordakai
has graced us with his presence!!!
Angelo and his beautiful family...
(pic stolen from Sheri :)
And the reason why we were all together recently
is because
any day now!!!
before we know it!!!
with much anticipation!!!
Little Damian
will make his appearance...
(Another pic stolen from
the reunion was more than lovely

but after looking at these pictures
I realize I made a mistake....
The title of this post should be
"Da Men"
because that is what they have become!
Watching Dre and Lo with their children,
wearing the hat of Dad,
is quite a sight to behold!
Their families are beautiful and wonderful
and each child a true joy!
And I'm quite blessed to be a part of their lives!

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