Friday, October 26, 2012

Rachel's World ~ Part II

During my time in Asheville,
we hiked twice.
I was going to combine the two hikes in one post,
but after looking at the pics,
I decided they each warranted their own.
The first hike was me and Rach and the dogs.
Needless to say,
it has made it on my "most favorite memories" list.
Strolling along a mountain river with my girl
under sapphire skies
surrounded by trees that Crayola creators
must have sat under for their inspiration...
Their Gem Tones line...
Peridot, Jasper, Ruby, Malachite, Tiger's Eye, Smokey Topaz, Citrine, Jade
We set off from downtown for just a 15 minute ride

  to the Swannanoa River

 We walked briskly as the sun was heading west rapidly
and Rachel didn't have her trusty headlamp...
a necessity apparantly for a mountain trail as the sun can disappear
before said hikers (us) make it back to the trailhead.


But we wanted to make it to The Pasture...

....and you can see why...!

Thank you, Rae, for sharing this part of the world

with me!


Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Rachel's World, Part I

my Asheville!
(oops...I got carried away...let me start over)
Rachel's Asheville!
(but it did adopt me!)
So, I got to spend a few days with one of my favorite daughters
in one of my
favorite places on earth.
What a most marvelous combination!!
We sat
 got a view of her everyday life.

I had the opportunity to meet neighbors,
(hi, courtney!)
and sit on the sunny porch sipping morning coffee
while watching the leaves change from day to day
on the surrounding mountains.

I met numerous co-workers and bosses...
and now know why Rachel loves her job.

I ate delicious food at their sidewalk counter,
while watching the locals and tourists mingle together.
Took a fake pic of me with one of the Lab's specialty beers
to send to my sister...
...but I was busted because Rach forgot to crop out my tea!

Rachel had to work a lunch shift one day,
so I strolled the streets...
and fell in love...


One of the days,
after a brunch at Joseph's place,
(and to think I almost balked at the crabcake egg benedict...
dreams are made of food like this!)
Rachel and I strolled arm in arm
around town

Enjoying each other...

...and the views!



And ended a day at a quaint wine bar
listening to some fantastic music by
But least you think we spent all of our time downtown,
Part II will be coming
and paths
and waterfalls
and frolickng dogs.