Tuesday, April 21, 2015

The Dreamer ~ Missouri Part III

 "One generation commends your works to another; they tell of your mighty acts.”
Psalms 145:4
The magical, whimsical, contemplative, almost-on-the-threshold-of-adulthood age of 15.  An age where dreams are being formulated, goals being set, tastes being discovered...all the while holding onto the fun of childhood with a strong grasp, not needing to let go...ever.  Enjoying having a foot in both worlds.
That's the life of this young woman.    One who speaks words of wisdom well beyond her years, who has the gift of an empathetic heart, a sense of humor that, I believe, surpasses her dad's.  A teenager with smarts and common sense who has the gift of debate...lol. (I don't know if her parents care for this one!)
A girl who finally agreed not to balk at being the subject of two camera-clicking madwomen. Giving us the gift of climbing slim ledges, sneaking on window sills, walking through Missouri River mud (at the expense of her Vans no less) because every. ten. feet. was a worthy photo setting.
Beautiful girl. Beautiful soul.





Sweet Hope,
always keep looking up...
and may your dreams
come alive!

And remember, always...
 "...be careful, and watch yourself closely
 so that you do not forget the things your eyes have seen
 or let them fade from your heart as long as you live.”
 Deuteronomy 4:9

Love you to beyond the moon and back!

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