Saturday, December 1, 2012


I'm a Nana to Lucas... 
Sherry's a Mimi to Gabriel... 
And we were finally able
to get this Jax boy and this PalmCoast boy
together in the middle...
And I think that us grandmas
enjoyed it as much as they did!
There was some guitar-strumming
with unique picks...
...and porch-strolling...
"hey, slow down!"...
"That's better!"
 And if you think at this age
you need expensive toys,
think again!
One small plastic star
and a sing-songy voice
saying "Star hat, Star hat",
and that's good for passing a fair amount of time...
There was a
game of Follow the Leader...
...and amicable sharing of toys...
And wishful thinking of having
Mandy join the fun!
"Hey, let's break her outta there!"
                                                                                                                                            "Sorry, Mandy!"
Gabe shared his books with a
fellow book-lover...
"There's Saint Gabriel"...
"And aren't the pics of my mom and dad funny?!"... 
...before taking a stroll to the beach!
Where, we come to find out,
both boys are bird lovers,
and everything had to stop whenever
a seagull/osprey/egret/sandpiper
flew by...
"There's another one!"...
...and the boys had some of their own flying time...
(Now, Moms, don't look! because....)
There was some rock-climbing time
since these boys are
(Hey, wait for me!!)...
But calm your hearts, Moms,
because there was also some
sedate shell-finding time!
the day was a success,
and I see more playdates in the future...
because I believe a friendship has been forged!
Gabe is in his pj's for the beach shots
because his dad dropped him off with no
outfit in his diaper
Gabe kept trying to pull his "shoes" off
to feel the sand between his toes!)


1 comment:

Leslie said...

This made me smile :)