Friday, July 15, 2011

Mission Accomplished

Hope and I made it to the

Hope agrees;
it was worth it!

We hit the cupcake stand...

AND the italian ice stand;
yes, sister, we did!!...

We perused the jewelry...

and listened to some more
awesome music...

We took a break from the heat
and headed to the water...

Where some body surfing
was being perfected...

Then back to the market to indulge
in a chili dog
(a sausage/peppers/onions for me, thank you!)...

Then home with
our goodies to have
ready for our mini-family reunion!...
(can't wait to see you, Pat, Nikki, and Lucy!!!)...

Good times with more to come!

1 comment:

Leslie said...

LOVE the photo of Hope and the water droplets!