Sunday, July 24, 2011

The Job

Once upon a time,

there was a boy named Lucas.

And Lucas sat around one day

wondering what he should do with his life...

So he thought...

and thought...

and thought some more...

When finally,

The lightbulb went off, and
he realized what he could do!

"I will laugh....

and smile...

and just be overall cute...

in order to bring happiness to the world!"

So he set off far and wide
in order to do his job.

It didn't matter if you
were an army captain with a five o'clock shadow (ouch)...

or a tweener
with a similiar occupation...

He determined to work his wonders.

Age did not matter to Lucas....

nor did gender...

sometimes Lucas
would just let his sweet scent do the job...

or his dreamy face...

or he would work hard at just being
the perfect snuggle bug...
to bring that smile to a face!

He did worry sometimes;
wondering if he was doing his job
well enough...

but his mom and dad were
always there supporting him
and reassuring him...

"Lucas, you are one of the best
happiness-spreaders that we know!"
Which would cause a delighted fist pump in response!

All of this "work"
did make Lucas very, very sleepy...

After all,
spreading happiness is a fulltime job!!!

he allowed himself to drift off to sleepland
where he dreamed of still more ways
to make the world a happy place...

And this made Lucas very, very happy!

The End

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

The Girls....

Daughters (and granddaughter) are a miracle

 that never cease to be miraculous...

full of beauty and forever beautiful...

loving and caring and truly amazing...


Friday, July 15, 2011

Mission Accomplished

Hope and I made it to the

Hope agrees;
it was worth it!

We hit the cupcake stand...

AND the italian ice stand;
yes, sister, we did!!...

We perused the jewelry...

and listened to some more
awesome music...

We took a break from the heat
and headed to the water...

Where some body surfing
was being perfected...

Then back to the market to indulge
in a chili dog
(a sausage/peppers/onions for me, thank you!)...

Then home with
our goodies to have
ready for our mini-family reunion!...
(can't wait to see you, Pat, Nikki, and Lucy!!!)...

Good times with more to come!