Peter is our lacrosse guy.
He plays it, refs it, coaches it, and organizes tournaments.
unbeknownest to us,
this summer he put together a travel team which he coaches,
and this team has a very, very special name...
Jayce's Angels
Peter put much time and thought into organizing this team
before filling us in on its existance.
He used Jayce's and Christa's colors
and perfectly graphicly designed the team's name.
We all LOVE this team,
and it's ANOTHER reason why we LOVE you, Peter!
This is such a very, very thoughful way to memorialize our sweet Jayce!
On the weekend before 4th of July,
Jayce's Angels played in their first tournament.
This tournament, which was also organized by Peter,
had 32 teams participating...
no small undertaking!!!
Michelle and Hope upped their move to Florida
by two weeks in order to be here for this event,
with me, Hope, and Lucas as assistants.
Christa, of course, was present for the event
but we missed Robert who was off training to keep his county safe.
the icing on this cake was the fact that the
tournament was a fundraiser for the
A very worthy cause!
I had quite a few tearful moments
imaging Jayce and Yeardley Love
sitting together on the most puffiest white cloud
watching the tournament below, cheering away!
Just want to mention,
the Angels did quite well in this tournament...
games throughout this summer!
Go, Angels!
P.S.... Great job on your organizing skills for this tournament, Peter.
I overheard many compliments throughout the day!
It was well run!
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