Monday, September 15, 2014

The Gift of a Video!

I was looking through my videos searching
for a particular one
when I came across this.
An oldie but goodie.
Produced by Yuriko as a surprise for me
after a visit she made to
 sunny St. A from rainy Seattle...
(Yuriko, I know you just went through a fabulous summer,
but we are on the threshold of fall,
so I think a sunshine trip may be in order for you!!)
I thought this gift should be a part of this
It contains appearances...
of some people special to me,
Storm and Angel, my animal friends,

a sweet reminder of our
deep sea fishing excursion!,

and a lovely pictorial of my home
the town that I love...

not to mention the excitement of "new shoes"!

I know I thanked you before,



These pictures represent sweet, sweet memories
that I cherish!

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