Sunday, December 29, 2013

The Risk of Loving


“Every time we make the decision to love someone,
we open ourselves to great suffering,
because those we most love cause us not only great joy but also great pain.
 The greatest pain comes from leaving.
The pain of the leaving can tear us apart.

if we want to avoid the suffering of leaving,
we will never experience the joy of loving.
And love is stronger than fear,
hope stronger than despair.
We have to trust that the risk of loving is always worth taking.”
Dear Jayce,
the joy of loving you will carry us through!
The risk of loving you was so worth taking!
Even though we are not graced with your presence here on earth,
as a friend put it...
"I feel as if I know him - What a precious boy!!"
And Jayce, you are known...
intimately by your parents,
lovingly by your extended family,
gladly by all whose lives you have touched!
And you are so very precious!
We are all willing to go
through the pain of your leaving us so soon
because of the love that you have brought to each of us!
Pain that is tempered by the joy of loving you!
You, dear boy, have made our hearts happy
from the moment we received the news of you
until always and forever!
Love, Nana