Friday, January 27, 2012

Santa Rosa Island

Traveling on I-10 to and from New Orleans,
I knew I would be close to the Gulf
in an area I've wanted to visit for 30-some years...
beautiful Pensecola Beach.
But I didn't know if I wanted to add even a little more time
onto my already 9 hour drive
to make that detour to see Gulf waters once again.

Then after a message from an old St. Pete friend,
Mike Courtney,
 stating that I would miss
"in my opinion, the most beautiful beach in the world"
my decision was made.

A portion of the island is dedicated to a park
 that gave me 7+ miles of driving between white sand dunes
bounded by the Santa Rosa Sound to my left and the Gulf to my right.
I had this stretch of road to myself..
it was quite heavenly!

And as an added bonus,
I got to stop by and meet Michael's artistic wife, Lou.
and where I got a tour of the historic home that
they restored together.

I could live in this bathroom!

So, you can see, the detour was worth it!

Thanks, Michael & Lou, for the encouragement.
I hope it's not another 30 years
before I make it to your Panhandle again!!!

1 comment:

Leslie said...

a beautiful detour, all the way around. (and i keep forgetting that you have the exact same car as me!)