so we can visitthe Atlantic
to sit and ponder life,
and then make our way
to a yummy brunch
at O.C. White's,
to sit in the courtyard while the
guitarist strums his tunes
We can then stroll the less crowded streets
of the oldest city
of our country
to window shop
the many galleries
and wonder what is behind
the mysterious doors
We can peek into
a variety of private gardens
and celebrate the nations
especially the land
of pastries
where we can play dominoes
as the Stevie Wonder cat
keeps his eyes on us
We can search for whimsy
and follow its advice
and find the best
bumper sticker of the day...
and follow its advice
or stop for a chat with
as we listen to the
carillon on King Street
And we can end our time
with a spectaclar sunset,
wishing that the day would never end
yes please! miss you ms deb.
I am on the next flight!!!! Great pictures mom!!! You should finish the cards and get them in stores! Love you!
Great pictures, Deb! Reminds me why I like that town so much, and ask why I left. Thanks for sharing a wonderful day!
what cool pictures....Do you have a room for me?...I wanna come live in St. Augustine:)
what a beautiful journey. I feel relaxed just reading it!
I loved this. Thanks for sharing.
Debbie... I will! I will! When the weather gets nice lets just do this! Call me!!!!!!!!
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