We had a great two weeks with my daughter #2 turning 30 (how is that possible ?!?) and with Rachel having the opportunity to make an unplanned visit. Here is a picture of the two taken at Washington Oaks Park, but the mosquitoes were so bad that we spent the time in the lodge there. But having the place to ourselves and alot of windows to see the beautiful outdoors, we still had a great time. Baby Bria even had the run of the place. We had couches and windowseats, bookshelves and wingback chairs. And let's not forget the fireplace. What more is needed for a lovely afternoon!
For Jessa's b-day, all the pictures were pulled out and displayed throughout the house.
For Jessa's b-day, all the pictures were pulled out and displayed throughout the house.
Rachel and I had some adventures! This is one of the first times in her adult life that we had time together like this. All of her visits have been centered around an occasion of some sort, but this visit had nothing preplanned. We made the most of the time! To the left we're at the St. Augustine Pier, which is a great place to hang out in the early evening. (Does this pose remind anyone of anything?)
We had a visit to the Florida Cracker Cafe on St. George St. in historic district. We closed the place down.
We took a ride into G-ville on one of the days to watch Christa and her team in a volleyball tournament.
As an added bonus, Rachel got to play. She's now determined to find a volleyball league in Asheville.
One particular highlight was kayaking with Rachel out on Salt Run. Fortunately, we had the lighthouse to guide our way :)
Not only was kayaking with her a highlight, but there was a lone dolphin enjoying the run and feasting on mullet that were jumping all over the place. At one point the dolphin was closer to Rae and she was asking me what to do if it tipped her over :)
distance. We also saw a Roseate Spoonbill cruising by...at first glance they look like a flamingo. They're rare to see and it was quite beautiful seeing the pink bird against the blue sky.
And then for a finale of the week, my mom's curiosity got the better of her and she had to come out and join us on the back porch for a visit. I'll leave out the picture of her and Rae showing some leg. I'll leave that to your imagination ;)
Good times, good memories!
1 comment:
Looks like you all had a great time:)
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