Friday, July 31, 2009

Day 2 on the Road

Smithfield, NC (apparantly the home of Ava Gardner) was the chosen meeting point. After a night spent at the Jameson Inn (good breakfast in the morning), my mom sat waiting for us to get all of her items from one vehicle to the next. One of her favorite pasttimes right now is sitting and people watching. So we plopped her in a chair next to the window so that she could watch all the activities. Hopefully, Donna will post some pictures from her camera, as we had quite a photo shoot with Ron, Donna, Mom and myself. It got quite comical. Although some she might not want to publish (i.e, her trying to choke Mom from behind or the ones of Ron posing...hee-hee)

"Hip Nana" cruising down I-95. She did pretty good traveling, not asking how much longer to go until we made it to the Savannah area. Although when I told her around 3 hours, she did roll her eyes.

Even though we just had an eight hour drive, I wanted to get her to the beach to see the ocean again. So instead of heading straight to the condo, we hit Crescent Beach. On all of her last visits, the sun would be going down before I could get her to leave. You can drive on this beach, so she loves how you can just find a spot in the sand, unload your beach chairs, and have a cooler of food/drinks nearby and be set for the day.

Peter and Jessica stopped by her first night for a visit. The first time Nana is seeing Mrs. DellaVecchia! As I was taking the picture, I told my mom she was being a little risque with her shoulder showing. She said she was doing it for Peter's benefit :)
(The next day when I gave her a terrycloth beach coverup to wear, it zipped up closer to her neck. She looked down and said " I can't show my shoulder."

Even though Mom hadn't seen Charlie for a number of years, her first words when she saw him were "Hey, Captain". Her eyes did light up when she saw all of the Mallards together. She has seen Mish and Hope over the years, but it had been quite a while since she had seen the whole family unit. A pleasant sight for her!

Sweet Hope spent some precious moments entertaining her "Nana Banana". Here she's getting ready to show some gymnastics moves that she learned at camp that day. Hope wanted to bring her food in and was quite tuned into making sure she had all that she wanted. A little nurse in the making....Veronica, you and Hope can have a future business together :)

Well, here's hoping that I can get Mom out to Crescent Beach again and out of the car next time. The stairs to my condo are quite daunting for her, however, she did much better than I had anticipated. I'm hoping the tease of the salt air and a glance of Pomar's (her favorite place on the island to have a cold one) is enough to entice her out again.

1 comment:

ladydee said...

an adventure this like seeing mommy's face looking at the ocean:)

I will send you some pictures to add to your blog(if you dare to publish them..wink