Sunday, January 28, 2018

An Unintentional Hiatus

An unintentional hiatus has occurred on this site.
  Over half a year of memories and celebrations and random thoughts
not documented on these pages because life just got in the way ...
in a good way!

  As a preface to this post,
I want to share a quote I came upon in December. 
I quote I believe to be so true and one I hold dear to my heart....

"We are the keepers of the
secret power of recognizing and creating celebrations among ordinary days,
and that power lasts all year. 
Everything we love about this season (Christmas)
is scattered throughout the rest of the year too -
opportunities for gathering, music, giving and gratitude. 
How many sunsets will take our breath away this next year? 
How many adventures await us? 
There's so much to look forward to. 
Let's start tomorrow with a walk on the beach!" ~Kelle Hampton 

Or start tomorrow simply with a good cup of coffee in a special mug!

Each ordinary day over the last seven months of 2017
contained a celebration of sorts:
trees clapping their hands,
stars declaring the glory of God
while giving us sweet reminders of those that have gone on before us,
ladybugs crawling on a grandchild's hand,

a dog's greeting,
a stranger's smile....
you get the gist.
Be aware. The celebrations are there.

Those months were also filled with

Birthdays celebrated

Friends and extended-family enjoyed

A brother moved to town

....and an array of other (extra)ordinary events,
each of which deserved their own post.
I may try to play catchup because
I love this blogspot to keep a little of family history documented :)

In the meantime,
as the quote says,
watch for those moments to celebrate,
gather together,
enjoy music...
(and dance like no one is watching.
That's what I have to do. Think Elaine in Seinfeld)...

Watch for opportunities
to give
be grateful for all the small and big moments
that make up your days!

Be a memory maker!