I am a city girl by birth, but, most fortunately, I've had mountains in my life from the beginning... the Watchung Reservation and Poconos in my childhood...oh yes, Harvey's Lake! thank you for such wonderful memories!..., the Catskills, Delaware Water Gap and Voorhees State Park in my teenage years where a lot of exploring took place and Roundabout by YES ("mountains come out of the sky and they stand there"!) would be blasting on the cassette as the they came into view on the road trip out of the city. And, of course, the beautiful Smokey Mountains in my adulthood. As Christa put it quite eloquently this past week, "A part of my heart belongs here!" I so agree!
Recently I read a study that showed pain medication was reduced by 30% for hospital patients who were exposed to nature. I so believe that. Such powers are held by grandiose mountain ranges to tiny berries growing on a tree. Again a Christa quote, "Healing happens here!" Christa, all that money that was spent on the study... they could have just asked you...lol! There is truth in those words.
Off to experience the power of nature...
Always the gentleman...
My Timberlands were jealous...
And the challenge of rock-skipping
caused Robert to risk his Jordans...
If nature reduces the need for pain meds by 30%,
what percentage would you guess that family/friends
further reduces the need....
And I don't think a study is needed
to prove that fact!
Now, enjoy a great song...