Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Junior Ranger ~ Ft. Matanzas Nat'l Park

I've touched on this subject before, I believe, with Hope becoming a Junior Ranger in a number of National Parks....but here is another reminder of this wonderful program.  Our parks are a such a great treasure to visit and enjoy, and this kid's program is one of the best!  Take advantage! 

Recently on a visit to Ft. Matanzas, we were about to jump on the boat to head over to the fort when I remembered....kid! national park! ranger!  They held up launching while I ran back to the office to inquire, "do you have the Junior Ranger program?!"  "Of course we do!"  Back down the ramp with booklet in hand and a quick explanation to Lucas.  We now had a boy with a mission...

Questioning a Ranger..."What do you like most about your job?"...
Working on finishing the last of his tasks....a maze helping the gopher tortoise find its den...
Five age-appropriate tasks are now complete...time to head into the office for the "ceremony".... 

...and one happy Junior Ranger seriously ready to take on the job of taking care of our parks... 

 to just find one of those cool hats!

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

The Dreamer ~ Missouri Part III

 "One generation commends your works to another; they tell of your mighty acts.”
Psalms 145:4
The magical, whimsical, contemplative, almost-on-the-threshold-of-adulthood age of 15.  An age where dreams are being formulated, goals being set, tastes being discovered...all the while holding onto the fun of childhood with a strong grasp, not needing to let go...ever.  Enjoying having a foot in both worlds.
That's the life of this young woman.    One who speaks words of wisdom well beyond her years, who has the gift of an empathetic heart, a sense of humor that, I believe, surpasses her dad's.  A teenager with smarts and common sense who has the gift of (I don't know if her parents care for this one!)
A girl who finally agreed not to balk at being the subject of two camera-clicking madwomen. Giving us the gift of climbing slim ledges, sneaking on window sills, walking through Missouri River mud (at the expense of her Vans no less) because every. ten. feet. was a worthy photo setting.
Beautiful girl. Beautiful soul.





Sweet Hope,
always keep looking up...
and may your dreams
come alive!

And remember, always...
 " careful, and watch yourself closely
 so that you do not forget the things your eyes have seen
 or let them fade from your heart as long as you live.”
 Deuteronomy 4:9

Love you to beyond the moon and back!

Monday, April 13, 2015

Favorite Time/Family Time ~ Missouri Part II

I went to Missouri the beginning of spring expecting roadways lined with Queen Anne's Lace, the light green of new leaves on the trees, expecting to wade in the rivers looking for that perfect
stone to skip, and seeing the bevy of hummingbirds around the feeder.  I went with one pair of jeans and a ton of shorts.  Let's just say that those jeans got washed a few times during the week...because that's all I wore!  The skies were mostly gray, the temps were low, spring break weather. it. was. not!  But was it worth it?!  You tell me.......

My destination,

home of Ft. Leonard Wood and where part of my heart lives.
My true destination...

While there, I went to my first trivia night where we had a killer team,
and somehow we. still. lost!  We're still perplexed, especially when two
 of the categories were Final Four and Green for St. Patty's Day.
Charlie and I had given each other the "we've got this" look,
and I admit, I searched google when we got back home because we were still
convinced we were right on some of the answers! 
We weren'

Took a little historic ride on Rt. 66,
and because Michelle is a girl who thinks like me,
we made a few stops at some picture worthy spots.

Took a day trip to Hermann,
a small Ozark town on the banks of the Missouri;
a town that celebrates its German heritage
daily with a selection of great eateries and a beautiful winery
 Ha-ha...I like taking pics of Mish taking pics
speaking of "on the banks of the Missouri"..
have I mentioned that I LOVE rivers. I think I have.
I love the history surrounding them.
They may be my favorite bodies of water.
I always want to know their source and their destination.
(I've hiked the Appalacians following a small river,
to a small creek, to the point of water just seeping from the water table...
a favorite memory!)
I ate at famous Lamberts with Mish
and we made it to the banks of the Lake of the Ozarks
and stopped by Ha Ha Tonka (it was worth going there just for the name!)
I got some time in with the Granddogs!
FYI:  I consider myself to be a world traveler
my family and friends are my world...
 there's no other place that I'd rather be!!
(well, ok...maybe Ireland at some point...but I want my family and friends there with me!!!)
So, Fam, until we're together again
(and that will be soon!),
thank you for sharing your wonderful world with me.
These memories are gifts that I will treasure always!
 The End!
Until next time.
