Rie Munoz
Wolves will live with lambs.
Leopards will lie down with goats.
Calves, young lions, and year-old lambs will be together,
little children
will lead them.
Isaiah 11:6
I have no doubt you're an animal lover.
It's in your genes.
(Even your dad wants another dog!!)
So pet a wolf for me, please!
I've always wanted one.
(the closest I got to having one was a malamute named, appropriately, Joy...
maybe you're running through fields with her!)
And give a pat on the head of a lion
holding a sweet lamb!
There's this song, Sweet Jayce,
about life in heaven.
It's so true...
we can only imagine what you are experiencing.
And our imaginations are limited
by our humanness.
The wonders that you are encountering
are beyond our comprehension.
But this verse gives us a small glimpse
of how you are living life as God intended.
And for that we are thankful.
To say that you are missed today in particular
would not really be true.
You are missed every day.
Our hearts are full with love for you,
and every day has moments when the thought
"Jayce would enjoy this!"
crosses our minds.
But it just occured to me...
every day (are there days in heaven?!)
you are most likely having the thought,
"Wait till my Fam sees this!!"
You will be our own personal tour guide :)
The verses go on to say...
"they shall
not hurt
nor destroy
in all my holy mountain."
Dearest Boy,
you are experiencing a life with
no hurts or destruction!
A pain free, holy life!
And on top of that,
you. have. mountains. to. hike!!
Yep, we can only imagine!
Know for sure that I look forward to a
hike with you...
and as the song says,
"will I dance for you, Jesus?"
Yes we will!
That we can totally imagine.
After all,
is in your genes also!!