The Friday night Gator baseball game
morphed into a Saturday late afternoon
when it was realized that most
of the Nolan fans were staying at the
same G-ville complex for the night.
So after a morning of the
Grogans searching for sharks' teeth
in a
creek in the middle of the state,
they found!,
my girls and I having
an early lunch at

we gathered poolside!
First of all,
let me say
"Thank you, Steven"
for laboring over a what seemed to be a
1' square grill
to feed so many!!!...
You did a great job!
Times like this don't happen nearly enough for me,
and when they do,
well, you know how the commercial goes...
Here is a
pictorial story
of our evening...
Steven and Peter shooting the breeze
An aunt and a nephew ....and.... A pair of cousins
Gearing up to brave the cold water
A son tempting fate
while another son learns trust...while having fun
After time
Sweet Landon...not as cooperative for picture time as the night
"...and then on the eighteenth hole, I had a birdie!"
Baby sharing going on friends
A Grampy to all
Next pictures of Julie... she'll be holding her little one!
(Owen stole my heart this night... when asked if he would hold Livia during
this pose, he answered with an amazed "Yes!" ...he was so honored to be trusted
with holding the littlest one!...and he had to hold her for awhile during a
series of shots before hitting on this sweet pose. Good job, Owen! )
“You can go through life and make new friends every year
- every month practically -
but there was never any substitute
for those friendships of childhood that survive into adult years.
Those are the ones in which we are bound to one another
with hoops of steel.”
Alexander McCall Smith,
The No. 1 Ladies' Detective Agency
What a lovely family
to be bound to!