Monday, August 29, 2011

Hogtown Creek and More...

Now that Christa and Robert are in a two-bedroom apartment
(located in the mountainous area of G-ville),
they played host to Peter, Jessica, Lucas, and myself for the weekend. 
A college town is always a fun place to visit,
and this past weekend was no exception!

So amidst feasting on homemade meatball subs (yummm!), chicken enchiladas (always my favorite),
and the always anticipated chocolate chip pancakes,
we did some gallivanting around town...

Lucas woke up the first morning with the expression that obviously said,
"ok, so what's on the agenda today?!"

And since he is such a nature boy,
it was off to Hogtown Creek to search for shark's teeth and enjoy some natural Florida.

The entrance to this waterway is just a block away from
their new place, and what a great place it was to visit.

A boy after my own heart, it turns out that Lucas is a lover of trees!
He did not take his eyes off of the treetops during the whole hike...
...causing the rest of us to glance skyward often to see what was so interesting to him.
It's great to observe the world again through the eyes of a child.
Thanks for the reminder, Lucas!

Meandering down to the creek...

...the hunt began...

...with searching in earnest...

...but we came up shark toothless!

The next day, one of the Grogan girls asked what did we use to sift through the water?
When we said "our hands", they politely laughed with a "oh, no wonder you didn't find anything!"
Then they gave us some good tips for next time. 
So, Christa, have my sifter ready...
I want to check "Find a shark's tooth" off of my life's to-do list!

The day also had some garage sailing and Ross shopping,
and Jessica and Christa worked their wonders on furnishing/decorating the 2nd bedroom.
I see a HGTV show on their horizon...
"Sisters + a C-Note = Totally Transformed Room"
(Sorry, no pics.  My memory card was malfunctioning, sad to say, but it was a "wow")

And a trip to Gainesville is not complete without a stop at Mochi...

....can you say "scrumptious"!

And being introduced to The Flying Biscuit!
Two thumbs up!!
Where we enjoyed way too much food
as Lucas enjoyed the wall full of sunflowers... 

...I really think he's going to be a botanist when he grows up!

So, thanks, Christa and Robert for the great weekend!
We really had a wonderful time!!

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Sherry's Vilano

Sherry made a trek back to NE FL
where she made sure to schedule in a time
to visit "her" beloved Vilano....

Quote, "Here is my beach..."

"and my morning glorys"

"and my driftwood!!"

(Sidenote:  back in 2010, Sherry, with her cohorts, conspired and attempted to unearth,
 under the cover of night,
the above pictured driftwood;
 Sherry's the flashlight
(photos stolen from Sherry's fb page)

We shared some laughs...

before heading back to the cars...

but not before she claimed
a beach cottage
as her very own!...
(picture snapped quickly and we made our getaway before the real owners showed their

Fun times,
 and thanks for sharing
your beach, Sherry!