Jessica Grace
With the pretty face
Jessica Grace
With the pretty, pretty face
How I love you,
Yes, I love you,
How I love my Jessa Grace
This song was sung softly to you as I rocked you in our flower adorned chair on the day of your arrival. On a lovely Wednesday evening in September ~ on the outer edge of summer and on the verge of fall.
One of my most favorite times of year when one of most favorite person in the world made their appearance.
My first three months pregnant with you were a daily struggle with morning sickness…let’s call it
day sickness. But once the calendar hit the beginning of the 4th month, it was clear sailing the rest of the way. Swiss cheese, wonton soap and orange sherbet were my foods of choice. And, surprisingly, I don’t think you like any of these!
Now the day of your arrival… some drama was added into the mix. Drama which the present day you would say,
“WHAT? ARE YOU CRAZY?” You see, we planned on having you in our sweet little apartment on Burlington Avenue, surrounded by people who loved me and you, and we had a midwife lined up to come. But on your big day, she had a fever! What to do?!? There was only one choice for me, so with competent people around, and with the midwife standing by on the
phone, you made your entrance into the world. Quietly and sweetly and with a head full of black hair! That hair and your almond shaped eyes prompted a few strangers over time to ask “did she come from somewhere?!”
Many people were waiting down in the main house for your arrival. A couple of friends from Tennessee had to head back on the morning of the 5th. They knew your birth was going to happen any day and were lamenting the fact that they had to leave. But off they went only to have car trouble and realized they had to turn around. I remember how happy they were when they arrived back and found out I was in labor. They were going to be here to meet you after all. They are the only people I ever knew who were happy for their car to break down.
You were surrounded by sweetness during your birth, and that sweetness has permeated your life. Your first giggles were contagious, and your laughter today still provokes those around you to also join in. It is a gift! You are a gift!
I’m realizing I’m using the word “sweet” and its derivatives alot in this story. But I also realize that is the word that comes to my mind when I think back on your birth day and when I think of you! Sweet and its synonyms…affectionate, angelic, beautiful, beloved, charming, cherished, companionable, considerate, darling, delightful, engaging, fair, generous, gentle, good-humored, good-natured, heavenly, lovable, loving, pleasant, precious! You are all these to me and more.
Happy Birthday, Sweet Daughter!
How I love you,
Yes, I love you!